Privacy Statement

At Majestic Financial Group Limited, we are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our clients' personal information. We take our responsibilities under the Privacy Act 2020 very seriously in this digital age. Here are some key points about how we handle your data:

  1. Relevance of Data: We only collect information that is directly relevant to the nature and scope of the financial advice we are providing.

  2. Accuracy: The accuracy of the information you provide is essential in shaping our advice. We rely on your cooperation to ensure the data we work with is correct.

  3. Data Protection: We take measures to protect all client information once collected, ensuring its security and confidentiality.

  4. Access and Amendment: Clients have the right to access their personal information or request amendments at any time.

  5. Information Sharing: We will only share information when it is necessary to provide agreed-upon services. Any exceptional sharing of information would require your express consent.

  6. Third-Party Sharing: In some instances, we may need to share information with regulatory bodies like the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) or external compliance agencies engaged for quality assurance purposes.

  7. Data Breach Policies: We have established policies and procedures to address data breaches promptly and effectively.

  8. Data Destruction: Any information no longer needed will be securely destroyed.

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information through various means, including from individuals directly, through contact with us (meetings, emails, website), or while providing services. Third-party sources such as clients' related businesses, accountants, financial product providers, medical service providers, employers, and credit reporting agencies may also contribute to our data collection. When visiting our website, we may collect information like traffic data, location data, and website analytics.

How we use personal information

We collect personal information for various purposes, including:

  • Providing and marketing our services and improving them.

  • Responding to client communications.

  • Making future contact with clients on relevant matters.

  • Defending our legal rights and interests.

  • Conducting research and statistical analysis.

  • Conducting credit checks (if necessary).

  • Complying with legal obligations and engaging with regulators.

  • Other purposes authorised by clients or the law.

Disclosure of personal information

We may disclose personal information to:

  • Businesses supporting our services (including related companies, IT service providers, lawyers, and accountants).

  • Financial product providers in connection with clients' financial product applications, administration, claims, renewals, and compliance.

  • Regulatory bodies, including the Financial Markets Authority.

  • Professionals such as lawyers, insurers, and debt collection agencies.

  • Other individuals or entities authorised by the law.

Please note that businesses supporting our services may be located outside Australia, potentially involving the storage and processing of personal information overseas.

Protecting personal information

We take reasonable steps to keep personal information safe from loss and unauthorised access, use, modification, or disclosure. Our policies, including Records Keeping and Information Technology, Data, and Security, are designed to ensure the secure handling of information.

Accessing and correcting personal information

Clients have the right to access and request corrections to their personal information, subject to certain legal conditions.

Internet use

While we strive to maintain secure internet connections, providing personal information over the internet is at the provider's own risk. When following links to other websites, it's essential to review their privacy policies.


We may update this policy by uploading a revised version to our website, with changes taking effect upon uploading.


We ensure our staff and privacy officers receive training at least annually on the Privacy Act 2020 and the duties of a privacy officer.


We conduct external reviews to ensure policy compliance, and our staff is trained in-house. Passive reviews are also conducted internally.

Reporting of privacy breaches

We analyse privacy complaints to identify serious and systemic breaches. If such a breach occurs, we notify the Privacy Commissioner and individuals affected, following our obligations under the Privacy Act. Additional measures are enacted as guided by the Privacy Commission.

Australian contact details for privacy complaints

For inquiries or complaints about the collection, use, or storage of personal information, please contact and address your email to The Privacy Officer. If you remain dissatisfied, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.